Dev Update 1 – First Videos
Published AtroposToday we’ll finally be showing off some in-game videos! We’ve got two to show today, with more planned for the near future (We’ve just got to actually finish some things first).
Today we’ll finally be showing off some in-game videos! We’ve got two to show today, with more planned for the near future (We’ve just got to actually finish some things first).
Growing up surrounded by the criminal underworld, Yuuki eventually found his way at the upper ranks of a small gang. He’s not the smartest, but when it comes to people he likely knows them better than they know themselves.
Today we’re breaking up our bi-weekly schedule, don’t worry, we’ll still be back next week, and with the next character reveal, but this weeks a little bit special. Tomorrow marks the 1 year anniversary from the beginning of project Atropos!
Alright, we’ve been holding back on showing any actual game stuff for a while, partly because we’re in super early stages, partly because we’re very busy. In fact, because we’re so busy, we can only really show you pictures for now.
While we still haven’t actually been asked any questions (yet), we figure a good simulated Q&A is a good way to get a lot of info quickly, so for today, here’s Q&A 2!
We recently decided to do something that we’ve been putting off for a while and took a trip to Manchester, the primary location of Atropos. The weekend we went was Pride, hence the rainbows, but despite the colourful celebrations we were there on business.
Fresh out of University, Marid moved to Manchester, justifying it through the city’s job prospects. Years later, Marid starts to wonder if maybe he would be better off leaving everything behind.
Today we’ll cover some anticipated questions about the game. This info will (eventually) be collated onto an info page on the site. Let’s get to it!